FanstRAvaganza Day 6


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FanstRAvaganza Day 6

We’re coming into the home stretch of fanstRAvaganza and I am very pleased with your work on the quizzes. A big THANK YOU to all who participated in the Richard Armitage Photo Essay Exam! As a reward, you have earned a personalized chocolate coin. Please click on the appropriate thumbnail in the gallery to see your full-size prize. They are in alphabetical order, not in order of class rank. I’m not sure about you, but I am often tempted to lick my screen when viewing pictures of certain Richard Armitage characters. Now if only we could transmit his chocolaty goodness electronically as in Charlie & the Chocolate Factory.

Bonus questions: Which Richard Armitage character is profiled in the golden coins? What color is he likely to be wearing? Will he be able to wear white on his wedding day?

Congratulations, graduates! Click below to play Pomp and Circumstance.

FanstRAvaganza Awards

How well did this individual do with a Richard Armitage question on a UK game show? Check out this 22-second video to find out:

Richard Armitage Question on Mastermind Quiz Show

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46 Responses to FanstRAvaganza Day 6

  1. Antonia Romera says:

    Great music choice. ;D Congratulations everyone.

  2. Alfie says:

    Thank you so much for the personalized chocolate coin – I LOOOOVE IT!

    BQ: I think, it is John Thornton, who is on the coin, and he usually wears black. BUT in the trainstation scene we get a peek of what he would be like in white – I could see him shining in white on his weeding day (but it was not the fashion then, or was it?).

    The girl in mastermind: NOT one of RA´s biggest fans – do you think??

  3. Meryl says:

    Thankyou for my choc coin B.
    Answer to bonus question: it’s the one that started it all for lots of his admirers Mr Thornton ~I think.He would be in black with a cool white shirt sometimes open at the neck……………………….!
    And of course he can wear white on his wedding day~ or any other colour come to that as far as I’m concerned!!!!

  4. Musa says:

    Thank you for my Golden Chocolate Coin. I’ve always wanted to lick John Thornton, and now you’ve given me the opportunity 🙂

    I think I answered the bonus question already, it is John Thornton in North and South, and he would be wearing basic black with white shirt, though he does branch out in other touches of color, but rarely. Yes, I am sure he could wear white on his wedding day.

  5. judiang says:

    *wraps away a tear* I just love graduations.

    That chick was probably thinking, “Robin Hood? That old thing with Errol Flynn?”

    • bccmee says:

      I love graduations too, judiang. Someday I’d like to give a graduation speech with backup singers. Haha, yes she clearly had not watched the latest version of Robin Hood on the BBC. Any red-blooded woman would get to know Guy a little bit better. 😉

  6. judiang says:

    Erm, that’s “wipes.” Something Freudian there.

    Wait, does Fanstrav end Sunday or Monday???

  7. CDoart says:

    I can only agree with Antonia Romera. I love Pomp and Circumstance.
    Thank you very much for the Chocolate Coin! Can I include it in a post at my blog?
    The coin depicts Mr. Thornton. I thought in Britain white was forbidden for everyone at a wedding except the bride?
    What colour he is wearing is really hard to guess. – I presume ‘black’ ;o)
    Thank you for this coin. I love it !!!

    • bccmee says:

      Delighted you like the coin, CDoart. Yes, you may post it wherever your like! It’s yours to keep. 🙂 Thanks for playing and also for all your participation. You deserve special recognition for your chart with everyone’s FanstRAvaganza posts!

  8. Amandajane says:

    Ahh it has to be the lovely Mr Thornton. I think we can safely say he’ll be wearing black.

    He’ll certainly have a white shirt at his wedding.
    I’d love to also see him in the gold cravat and waist coat he had on at the dinner party;
    because…well because….*swoooooons*.

    Choccie coins ohhhhh yummy thanks Bccmee. I’ll just have to lick his nose before I get nibbling.
    Those photo essays were huge fun Bccmee and I laughed myself silly at everyone’s answers.

    • bccmee says:

      Haha, I suppose we would nibble his nose like we would first nibble the ears of a chocolate Easter bunny, Amandajane! Glad you like your well-deserved prize. I’m very impressed with the caliber of answers in the quizzes. 🙂

  9. Riv says:

    Thanks for the personalised chocolate coin. Quoting John Thornton here, ‘I shall treasure it’ 😉

    Bonus question: Even without the sideburns, it’s John Thornton! Looking very much like the profile shot as he walked through the mill during the ‘snow white’ scene. He’ll likely be wearing black, black and more black. Without a doubt, JT will be wearing a black jacket at his wedding, but probably a different coloured vest and cravat. Let’s not forget the pocket watch too.

  10. Ania says:

    Bccmee Thank you for the personalized chocolate coin, the more precious to me that my beloved the character, that is John Thornton. I love it!! 🙂 It was fun to read all the humorous answers.
    JT on their wedding day would look great in a blue suit and white shirt, which this would highlight his very blue eyes. (Oh gosh, but that’s just my dream 😉 )

  11. Teuchter says:

    Thank you so much bccmee for the personalized gold-covered chocolate coins. Made us feel so SPECIAL!! I have an idea that Richard actually sent them to you to pass on to us n’est-ce pas?? He chose the embellishment as he knew that JT showed his amazing profile at its best! Thornton!! *Swoon*!! He would be wearing his black jacket, pristine white puffy-sleeved shirt with a black cravat and waistcoat – his business attire!

    For his wedding day I think he would wear a longer length black jacket (really complements his body), a new snowy white puffy-sleeved shirt and perhaps even a white cravat on this occasion and how about a sapphire blue waistcoat/vest to enhance those mesmerizing blue eyes of his. Totally agree with those who say he would also be wearing his fathers fob watch! Can’t imagine him without it. (Well I CAN actually but that is another scene altogether!!)

    May I also add that as white at one time signified chastity, I believe he would wear it proudly on his wedding day as I’m sure John Thornton was a very chaste man! (Unless you have been reading any of those fanfics which lead you to think otherwise of course!!!!) No doubt under all that buttoned up exterior (except when the cravat came off!! *Double swoon*) beat a heart full of passion and a body that responded to his Margaret! Thinking train station scene here and those kisses!! *Swoons again*

    • bccmee says:

      Since the man himself was busy, I had to make do with one of his fictional characters, Teuchter, LOL! Have to admit, I don’t read much fanfic, but I think in the book and movie, that John Thornton was very chaste.

  12. IngeD3 says:

    Thank you so much for my graduation coin! I too shall treasure it!

    As so many have already said, it’s definitely be Mr. Thornton’s beautiful profile we can see on the coin. That makes it extra special for me as this was the character that introduced me to our dear Mr. Armitage and his excellent work.

    Could he wear white on his wedding day? I think he could (remember Harry Kennedy!) but I’m not sure Mr. Thornton would… And I personally prefer him in black, that’s my favourite colour, a nice contrast to his mesmerising blue eyes. *swoon*
    Thanks you for your brilliant contributions to FanstRAvaganza – it was great to participate and I spent many happy moments reading all the answers to your very insightful questions.

  13. Summer says:

    Hahaha Couldn’t be any other than a Thorntons chocolate!!! Very British, very Northern!
    How I love your sense of humour!! It has been so much fun taking part in this quiz, and I love my FanstRAvaganza Award and the Pomp and Circumstance touch. Thanks so much B 🙂

  14. abigail says:

    B, Thanks so much for the coin! I also will treasure it……but I’m afraid I cannot agree with the opinions of my learned colleagues.

    I believe that the profile on the coin is that of Lucas North, pictured wearing a dark blue boiler suit, with the collar turned down. He is legally still married to Elizaveta and his wedding photo shows him wearing a conventional dark suit. Should he consider remarriage, I believe Diesel have offered to collaborate with Belstaff to tailor a similar luxury version of the boiler suit in white leather. *swoon*

    Having taken an exploratory lick, I agree that the chocolate is indeed by “Thorntons” and originates from the factory founded as an offshoot of Marlborough Milling Inc in 1949 by James Bateman, the grandson of Sir John Thornton, the parent company’s founder.

    Thanks B and everyone else for this laugh-a-minute experience

  15. mulubinba says:

    Thank you for the choc. Bccmee – I love them :).

    I haven’t read any answers above so for the questions:
    1. My first impression is that the figure on the coin is John Thornton.
    2. He is wearing black coat and trousers; black boots; white cotton shirt; black cravat.
    3. White on his wedding day? I believe he is a man of the world but with staunch principles and high morals. (if that is what you mean by wearing white on hos wedding day). He will wear a morning suit on the big day with white rose for a buttonhole ….. and he will look a million dollars and make every girl and lady swoon in Milton 🙂

  16. pi says:

    I finally made it here. Phew. Have nto read other comments yet.

    Bonus questions:

    1. It’s JT of course, walking in silhouette through a snow white hell.

    2. He is wearing gold of course, which is what is appropriate for a god.

    3. On his wedding day the bride wears white, silly. I will pretend this question did not happen. 😉 My Victorian sensibilities are all aquiver and I need to take to my fainting couch or get a whiff of smelling salts. *fans self*

    Re: the video: I say off with her head. But first draw and quarter her!

    Awww, a chocolate coin. It encompasses almost all that matters in life. I would happily pay you Tuesday with it, for an Armitage today.

    I finally won something! You are a complete and utter doll. Will be proudly posting it on my sidebar. I would like to thank the bccmee Academy….

  17. pi says:

    I forgot to mention! A personalised chocolate gold coin. It doesn’t get any better than this!

  18. Nat says:

    Love my coin, bccmee! Thanks! 🙂

  19. OneMoreLurker says:

    I love my coin too BccMee, thank you so much! It’s been a lot of fun to participate, thanks for your hard work in your post.

    1. I think too, is JT in the coin. I think he will wear the best suit ever made in Milton, probably black or a dark color. I have to say though, I’m very fond of that gold cravat too.

    OML 😀

  20. Jonia says:

    OMG!!! One is for me? Really!????

  21. Jen J says:

    B, apologies for not saying so before now, but thanks so much for my Mr Thornton gold coin. 🙂 ‘Tis lovely! The FanstRAvaganza was a lot of fun. Oh, and your photo essay exam questions were great, too. 🙂

  22. Traxy says:

    Thank you so much for this wonderful coin! What a fun idea! I shall put it on my blog and treasure it immensely. ♥

    As to which character it features … John Thornton? 🙂

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