October animated gif challenge – day 25

Jane Austen depicted many of her bad boy characters as physically attractive. This is how she describes Wickham in Pride & Prejudice: “His appearance was greatly in his favour; he had all the best part of beauty, a fine countenance, a good figure, and very pleasing address.”

The same thing can be said for all of Richard Armitage’s “bad” characters, of which there are many! Today’s animated gif features one of these bad boys, John Mulligan from the “Drowning Not Waving” episode of the Moving On drama series. Our request comes from Hanna who chose the scene of John standing at Ellie Morgan’s door with a bag of fish and chips.

Richard Armitage as John Mulligan

John Mulligan looks sinfully delicious here! 😀

Hanna also suggested the clever text “Delivery.” Yes, I would be well-pleased with a deliveryman looking like that in my entranceway! He looks very scrumptious framed by a doorway. ♥

Here is your animated gif:

Richard Armitage as John Mulligan

He’s all that and a bag of chips! 😉

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65 Responses to October animated gif challenge – day 25

  1. April says:

    Why am I suddenly so hungry ??? LOL

  2. Teuchter says:

    Be still my beating heart!! Such a wonderful way to start the day! Thanks Hanna for suggesting this “bad boy” and Bccmee for yet another great gif!! Who could resist such a chap? He looks good enough to eat, never mind the fish and chips!! 😉 In truth, I think I might just swoon clean away if I found him at MY door. If only!!!!!!!!!! 😀

  3. jules says:

    A pleasing address indeed…infact I would be very pleased to give him my address he can deliver anything he likes!!!

  4. Elaine says:

    one word……………yummy…………..

  5. servetus says:

    She needs to lock him in her apartment. Then she’s got the food, and he can’t deal drugs. 🙂

  6. IngeD3 says:

    Another doorway!! :-))
    He can knock on my door any time! **swoon**

  7. Lady Prisca says:

    If a sexy lovely man like him was behind my door when I opened it , I’m sure I would have an heart attack.I love to see Richard smiling , he seems so gentle , and I’ve got the impression that he’s at my door . I know that John is a baddie , but I like him. With more episodes I think he could have changed (with the power of love). I know that I’m a stupid romantic female… it’s the attRAction effect.

    Thank you Hanna and Bccmee , I love this gif.

  8. Pamela says:

    If that vision appeared at my door, I’d be out cold on the floor! Thanks, Bccmee 🙂

  9. CDoart says:

    Thank you, Hanna and Bccmee!!! With John Mulligan you can make me happy any time ;o) I can’t say more, I must pick up myself from the floor ;o)

    • bccmee says:

      @CDoart: How funny that most of the female characters playing against RA are required to resist his charms and push him away. It would be much easier on the actresses if they could behave naturally and be able to swoon in his presence, LOL!

      • Musa/Fabo says:

        That makes me think most of the scriptwriters are men or wrote the movie/TV program before they cast him 🙂 Otherwise, how can any woman resist.
        Great gif – great smile from JM! Thanks Bccmee and Hanna 🙂

        • bccmee says:

          @Musa/Fabo: You may be quite right. Only in The Vicar of Dibley did women react to a Richard Armitage character the way I would. 😀

  10. Gratiana says:

    Hi BccMee and Hanna,

    Lovely gif! We women do love our men who need reforming–a la what Lady Prisca mentioned above. Mulligan is definitely a project.

    But with Mulligan having RA’s winning smile, broad shoulders, and … everything else, this is one DIY guy (little g) project that I wouldn’t mind tackling. Ha!

    Cheers! Grati ;->

    • bccmee says:

      @Gratiana: It seems many of us have the fantasy of reforming a bad guy like John Mulligan! He has his charms and could definitely make his way in the world without resorting to crime. See? I’m one of those with the fantasy, LOL!

  11. Lady Rose says:

    Ooh, my two favourite things; Richard Armitage and Fish&Chips! 😉

  12. Ana Cris says:

    There is a song by a Brazilian singer (Roberto Carlos) that says all that is good is illegal, immoral or fattening. The phrase fits well with John Mulligan! ;0) Thanks Bcc and Hanna.

    • bccmee says:

      @Ana Cris: In the states, we seem to strive to better ourselves by abstaining from those things “bad” for us. It’s not working out very well though, LOL! I would much rather indulge and enjoy life. 😀

  13. Ania says:

    What a charming smile. How can resist such a gentle smile like this one?

  14. Meryl says:

    killer smile and a twinkle in his eye~who cares about the fish’n’chips!!!! love this one B. {I thought the bit when he waved his “little white flag” through the letterbox was so cute!}

    • bccmee says:

      @Meryl: I want the fish ‘n’ chips as well as John Mulligan! Gotta keep up my strength, LOL! As for the white flag, that scene makes me laugh.

    • NovemberBride says:

      LOL!! You’re right about that eye twinkling thing. Woohoo!! Gotta watch this on Youtube so I can see the white flag. Stellar as usual B!!!

  15. tyme4t says:

    RA – Knock Knock
    tyme4t Who’s There?
    RA – John

  16. Tumblr blogs we have so many.
    May I suggest some skilled fangirl to start one on “RA framed by a doorway”? It would be a real fun to watch and comment.
    JM is a real bad boy – drug dealer and liar – but when he knocks at your door is very difficult to resist his charme…….
    I enjoyed JM today’s gif very much. Thank you!

  17. linda60 says:

    You ladies are hilarious!! I wave with my “little white flag” for redemption, as I´m to die of laughter.. Thanks for John Mulligan, Fish´n´ Chips, Bccmee for this wondeful gif, Hanna for the idea und all the contributors for their unbeatable comments. 🙂 Love it!!

  18. Joanna says:

    You know Linda(Hello Linda!)I’m pretty sure that I enjoy all these ladies more than RA:)

  19. Great GIF. Something about Richard and doorways, we’ve mentioned before:-))

    • bccmee says:

      @Jeannie: *sigh* Yes, and I still haven’t yet figured out the appeal of a Richard Armitage character in a doorway. Perhaps it’s because it acts as a frame or maybe it’s because the character is entering into a new chapter of the story. It will require great analysis! 😉

  20. mersguy says:

    I never have been one to fancy fish & chips unless John Mulligan was at my door! I love JM, lots of greats lines especially the morning after! (of if only!!) Richard at his cheeky best. Thanks B and Hanna.

    • bccmee says:

      @mersguy: Oh I do enjoy some fish ‘n’ chips and mushy peas! But I would be happy with whatever John Mulligan is delivering! 😛

    • jules says:

      I agree mersguy this is one of my fav RA bits when he is stood in the kitchen looking a little ‘dishevelled’ (can’t print the correct description) after the night before, buttoning his shirt up and…oh I can’t go on…*thud*

  21. phylly3 says:

    Love your comment “He’s all that and a bag of chips!” Too true!
    *Sigh!* such an irresistable grin. I think I will revisit this little gif quite often – like every Friday! 😉

  22. Another handsome bad boy!

  23. Please, deliver anything in my house too, John Mulligan!

  24. Oh hi! You want to come in? Suuuuure…. 🙂

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