Richard Armitage at Captain America Premiere

When I saw the Google news alert just last night, I was stunned to see that Richard Armitage was slated to appear at the Captain America premiere in Hollywood. After the tweets went round the world, the buzz was palpable.

Wow, it was very exciting to see him on the red, white and blue carpet!

Hopefully the video will be forthcoming. The Livestream site had repeated the Harry Potter red carpet ceremony and interviews so with luck, they’ll do the same thing for The Captain America brouhaha.

Here are some lovely pictures of Richard Armitage. More to come!

bccmee01 Richard Armitage red carpet

bccmee Richard Armitage red carpet

bccmee Richard Armitage red carpet

bccmee Richard Armitage red carpet

bccmee Richard Armitage red carpet

Stay tuned! 🙂

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125 Responses to Richard Armitage at Captain America Premiere

  1. RAFrenzy says:

    Looks great! Maybe some video later? : D

    • bccmee says:

      Can’t believe the poor quality of the video and audio at this event. It’s HOLLYWOOD so you would think they’d have it right. 🙂

  2. RavenRoseBeetle says:

    His cheeks are so rosey and I love his crinkles!! So dashing!

  3. Oh yes a vid, pretty pretty please!

    OML 🙂

  4. Wonderful! He looks great! I saw the same interview and thought some of the questions were really irrelevant but he was absolutely gorgeous!!!! His mother and father have to be so proud of him …. I am 🙂

    • bccmee says:

      He did do a fantastic job! He was so charming and sincere and composed. 🙂

      • Grace says:

        So true Bcc Mee,
        Richard was poised and articulate. And the heat must have just been stifling for him in his Tom Ford suit. Poor fella. Yet, he didn’t wilt and looked fresh as a daisy. I wonder if he employed any of his Guy of Gisborne leather cold paks that he might have left over? Ha!
        Best wishes, Grace ;->

  5. Carolyn says:

    Thank you, Bcc! Knew you would have some great pics!

  6. Jennie says:

    Wonderful pics bee! Thanks for sharing

    By the time I got this to work over here I’d missed him!
    I am hoping/begging/praying that you might have captured it on video………pretty please…..


  7. Ana Cris says:

    Thanks, Bcc!
    I saw the interview, but the transfer failed.
    It was great to see the live interview!
    Perhaps, is there a video soon?

  8. Pingback: On the Red Capet with Richard Armitage « RAFrenzy

  9. Kathleen Evans says:

    Great pics, thanks so much!

  10. Angieklong says:

    I saw part of his interview but the connection was so poor I didn’t hear anything. From what Frenzy said, the questions were pretty lame. Oh, if only I could have been doing the interviewing (well, a girl can dream!!) Thanks so much for this, Bccmee!!

  11. Ana Cris says:

    The interview is now available in the bar below “previous clip” or “resume tream”

  12. love4ot says:

    No pressure on the vid here, but vid please? ♥

  13. Lady Rose says:

    He looks adorable, as per usual. However, is it just me, or does he look…well, a lot older in these pictures?

    Lovin’ the beard. 😛

  14. Summer says:

    We can always count on you!!
    Great pics! He looked stunning, very confident and enjoying the moment!
    Marvel stream didn’t work for me, kept crashing! Had no problems on Livestream.!
    Hoping for a video!! 🙂

  15. Horatia54 says:

    Thank you Bccmee for the photos!

  16. NovemeberBride says:

    coming to you from The Heart of the Smokies…just saw the clip, thanks to love4ot and you, Bcc!!! Thanks and wow! You are a SUPER STAR, B…she used your question! Now I can say I know someone who submitted a question to an interviewer who almost presented it to RA!!! Woohoo! You are my hero!!

  17. I just love his candid moments. He’s just so endearing. Thank you very much, bccmee, for providing this fix.

  18. Nat says:

    YAY! Richard was/is in America! I lurve him and his beard. (Although I pretty much like him any way he comes.)

  19. Thais says:

    Thanks again, Bccmee!!! =D

  20. kaprekar says:

    Thanks bccmee!!

  21. Ania says:

    Thank you Bccmee for these pictures♥
    Oh RA looks great 🙂

  22. Phylly3 says:

    I heard the interviewer mention your twitter question. Too bad she didn’t get to ask it. Even SHE thought it was a good question!

  23. hedgeypig says:

    I cringed when she misprounced his name. Come on dear it’s not hard to check first is it. (Sorry it bugs me -I have an unusual surname and it’s mispronounced, misspelt in all manner of ways…gah) Shame The marvel interview was appallingly unprofessional, sneezing, noise…shockingly bad.

    • Angieklong says:


      My maiden name has been slaughtered frequently in my lifetime (I went and married a man named “Long” in hopes of quelling that) so it really bugs me when people in interviews screw up the interviewee’s name. And ask inane questions. I can only hope this person had very little experience doing this sort of thing . . . it would still be irritating but it would explain a couple of things.
      As an American, I apologize, y’all.

    • Mrs. Higgins says:

      I cringed as well when she mispronouned his name. It looked liked he cringed also.

    • bccmee says:

      I wish some more professional footage would materialize.

  24. SaraD says:

    Sooooooo, beard rules!!!!! Love him…..

  25. Kathryn Gaul says:

    All I can say is…I just luurve the photos! I’ve been out most of the day today (it’s currently 7.49pm Wednesday 21 July 2011 in eastern Australia) so this is the first chance I’ve had to look at and see bccmee’s photo as Pic of the Day. Richard is looking just as a man of 40 (his birthday’s 22 August) should….mature and gorgeous. I’ve been following his career for about 9 years now and he just gets better with age – both in looks and as an actor. Now…if only I had been visiting my daughter in California this week, I would have made her drive about 90 minutes up to LA just to see the arrivals at the premiere!

    • bccmee says:

      That would’ve been a treat if you could’ve met him, Kathryn! Maybe he’ll make a trip to Oz…it’s certainly not out of the question since he’s shooting The Hobbit in NZ. 🙂

      • Kathryn Gaul says:

        I spoke to my daughter (Melanie) on Skype about 2 hours ago and told her what I’d written about making her drive me to LA – she laughed her head off, the cheeky thing! My son (Matthew) cannot believe his mother has a crush on an actor 5 months younger than he is! I hope Richard does make a trip across the Tasman (the Sea between Australia and New Zealand) over the next 18 months. Maybe I’ll have to leave a 40th birthday message for him on one of the fansites, suggesting he visits Canberra (our national capital about 3 hours drive inland from Sydney) where I live to learn about some Australian history?

  26. Grace says:

    Bcc Mee,
    You’re the best! Thanks so much for capturing Richard’s interview on the Cap America Premiere Red Carpet. He looks fantastic–still rocking the beard!
    Best wishes, Grace ;->

  27. fitzg says:

    Many thanks, bccmee.
    Lady Rose, I thought the angles of the shots, the glaring LA light, also aged him. Suspect that that is not how he actually looked to anyone there. The camera can lie.

    No need for apologies, Angie. Just think of the inane interviewers he’s had to contend with in the UK. And it’s moot that Canadian interviewers on red carpet in Toronto would fare better. But the sound quality of both AP and Marvel are atrocious.

    • Angieklong says:


      Good point about the camera sometimes lying. I have seen certain candids of him that really didn’t do him justice, either. We forget that a camera lens can distort certain elements of a person’s appearance you would not see if you were talking to them in person.
      Look how much shorter his legs look (hmmm–a glimpse into what Mr. A will look like as a dwarf? 😉 ) in some of the full body photos from this event. And we all know Mr. A has long. long legs!

      Yeah, I guess bubbleheads are universal these days. I think you know I have been bothered by the way both his print and TV interviews have been handled in the past. I do remind myself everyone isn’t quite as knowledgeable as I am when it comes to Mr. A–or as interested in him–but for gosh sakes, we have this thing called the Internet and Google and you can find out so much with a few taps. At least the Marvel girl asked some pertinent questions. And I don’t think the circus came up (just the Olympics . .*sigh*) But, yes, the audio was just terrible, particularly the Marvel interview. Such a shame not to be able to adequately hear that beautiful voice.

    • bccmee says:

      I was rather surprised about the quality of the footage too, fitzg. Was it because of the equipment or the personnel? I don’t want to venture a guess. 😉

  28. bccmee says:

    Thanks for your comments! *phew* I’m tired just watching Richard Armitage’s flurry of activity. Can’t imagine how he must feel.

    He looks distinguished and gorgeous and he was so polite and thoughtful. Will we find more interview footage? I hope so, since he certainly gave more than two interviews. I would hate to see the others go to waste!

    • Angieklong says:

      I know what you mean about Mr. A’s hectic pace wearing you out, Bccmee! We all do appreciate your efforts in getting this to us all.

      He is just a love, he really is. Hope more footage shows up, too. 😀

      • bccmee says:

        I actually sent an email to the folks at What’s on TV to request they release video of their red carpet interview with RA. They directed me to a Hobbit blog which hasn’t been updated since July 9. So I emailed again, but don’t expect them to respond this time. 🙂

  29. Jess says:

    I got to go!!! I was the only one who knew who he was so i was so lucky…he walked off the carpet through a crowd and straight up to me. He kissed me and was so sweet. I even called him my Mr. Thornton, to which he laughed and said “but with a beard” It was the absolute best! How do I post pictures on here? I’d like to share them.

    • Angieklong says:


      How wonderful!! A kiss from the man himself, what a great treat!! He is such a dear fellow. Hope to see your photos soon. 😀

      • Jess says:


        • Grace says:

          Ooh Jess,
          I can’t get your file URL to work. I even took out the third slash Might you resend us the link? We would love to see his picture.
          Since he kissed you, did he smell as good as he looks? Is he an “Old Spice”, “Irish Spring”, or “Lever 2000” kind of fellow? Ha!
          Best wishes, Grace ;->

  30. Felicia says:


  31. yelloweeee says:

    Thanks soooo much for making a transcript of that first interview!! It is very hard to hear a lot of it, and it must have taken a long time to do it, so thanks!!!

    But I’m pretty sure that at the beggining of the interview, he says “do you want me to sit down”, not “do you want to sit down”?

    • bccmee says:

      Thanks for the correction, yelloweeee. I do hope to fix the transcript in the next day or so and your input is appreciated. However, the biggest thanks for the top interview transcript goes to Karyn who did the hard part. 🙂

  32. Jess says:

    Have you guys seen him as Thorin?

    He’s still hot as hell as a dwarf!!

    • bccmee says:

      Yes, he does look incredible as a dwarf!

      • Grace says:

        Well BccMee and others,
        Though Richard as Thorin is immersed in “middle earth”, he’ll always be he “center of our universe”. Ha!
        And Richard looks so fierce and regal as Thorin. I almost wish I were Smaug so Thorin could vanquish me. Tee hee.
        Best wishes, Grace ;->

        • bccmee says:

          @Grace: LOL re: Smaug!

          Yes, once again Richard Armitage has surpassed himself. He has transformed into Thorin in a role that will go down in history.

  33. Kathleen Evans says:

    Absolute best question Grace: “Since he kissed you, did he smell as good as he looks? Is he an “Old Spice”, “Irish Spring”, or “Lever 2000″ kind of fellow?” Too much and yes, now that you have asked, I would like the answer to that one too!

  34. Jess says:

    Mind you i’m not bragging, its just that nobody else knows who he is therefore they don’t understand how amazing this was. So here’s how it went down:

    As soon as he came out of the car my heart started racing. As soon as he was close to hear me I screamed “RICHARD” yes like a little girl…I couldn’t help it! He turned and waved directly at me! (i know this because nobody else knew who he was) He then kept walking.

    My husband said “you’ve gotta yell look back at me” so I did (yes i know so damn silly) but “Look back at me Richard!” flew out of my mouth before i could stop it. He laughed looked back and waved again.

    He then continued to the carpet. That was when he took a right had turn. The security tried to stop him but he pointed in my direction and said something.

    They then opened the barrier and he walked though a crowd and straight up to me, took off his sunglasses and said,

    “hello! its nice to meet you.” *swoon* he then pulled me in for a hug and kissed my cheek (crisp clean and all around manly is how he smelled!) i asked for a picture and he said “of course”

    as i pulled him to me i said “its my Mr. Thornton!” laughing he replied “but with a beard” to which i replied “you look so good! i saw the pictures of you as Thorin and it looks good, im so excited for the movie!” He said thanks as he posed with the girl next to me (she didnt know him, just new he was famous in some way) As he walked away i said “i love your work, thank you oh and im super bummed about Spooks!” he said “thank you, take care!”

    and there you have it! I had a mini conversation with the man of my dreams, it truly was amazing. He was so sweet and kind, he really is the amazing man we read about in all those interviews!

    • bccmee says:

      Wow, fantastic report! Do you have bigger pictures? Have you posted this anywhere else? You should!

    • Musa says:

      This is so amazing Jess! Lucky Girl! A kiss even 🙂
      So happy to confirm he’s as beautiful inside as he is on the outside, charming and sweet, and so generous also. Thank you so very much for sharing with us, your story is lovely.

    • Sandra Gomes says:

      My heart is racing just from reading your report and looking (drooling) at the photos!!! Can’t even begin to imagine how you felt! And your husband was there, cheering? You have a good man there 🙂
      Thanks for the report and the photos… If jealousy could kill I would be dead and buried 🙂
      And his kindness never ceases to amaze me, he’s almost too good to be true…

    • Thank you *very* much to share your experience and pics with us. So nice of him to ask the barrier to be pull to the side and walk right to you.
      ‘Look back at me Richard’ LOL that surely made the trick! So amusing your husband suggested the line 😛

      OML 🙂

      • Kathleen Evans says:

        “Look back at me” was brilliant and kudos to your husband for thinking of it. And then RA came back to see you. WOO HOO! Thanks so much for your report and the pictures.

    • Jess, your story is amazing and I want to thank you for sharing it with us as well as the photos. Thank you so much! However there’s something else that caught my attention which is the fact that you had a conversation with the man of your dreams, standing side by side with the man that share reality with you and furthermore, goes along with your dreams. I’d say you’re a very lucky woman! 😉

    • RAFrenzy says:

      Jess, thank you for sharing that! And your husband is one clever guy. : D

    • Phylly3 says:

      This is Fabulous Jess! Thanks so much for sharing your story and pictures. Your husband was terrific to remind you of that line — and it so worked! Love it!

    • Thank you for letting us live vicaiously through you and your heart-stopping meeting with the wonderful Mr. Armitage! I always thought he was a kind and gentle man!

    • Traxy says:

      Wow, that’s a great report. Thanks for sharing! ❤

    • Jennie says:

      Jess, thanks so much for sharing your story! Great pics too!

      What a man he is!

      I cannot begin to describe how envious I am!

    • Grace says:

      Oh Jess,
      What a wonderful account of meeting Richard! You both will treasure these memories for a lifetime! Richard is such a gentleman–an example for all public figures to follow. Hhhhhhhhhhh!
      Thanks and best wishes, Grace

    • Riv says:

      Thank you, Jess, great story! 🙂

    • Kaprekar says:

      Just amazing Jess – you certainly have guts! What a lovely story and such beautiful pictures too.

    • Felso says:

      Luck, lucky you! What wonderful memories for you to have!

    • Jonia says:

      Thank You!!! OMG!!! THIS IS AMAZING!!! So Happy! Thank You for SMELL!!!!! OMG!!! He is so amazing dude! Walk through barrier to his fan! OMG!!! Thank You for the photos!!!!
      Can I use this quote “Mr Thornton with beard”? AWESOME!!!
      BTW You have very helpful hubby!

    • CDoart says:

      Thank you for the report and pictures, Jess. After “Look back at me” I had to take a break, because I was laughing so much. Your husband is a silent fan as well, it seems adnd really helpful ;o)

    • Lynn says:

      I cannot quit smiling. I am so happy for you Jess. You got to find out for yourself what a fantastic gent he is. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

    • Lena says:

      Awww, what a wonderful experience for you and how clever of your husband to suggest that line ! 🙂 It certainly did the trick and got him to come to you. Were you a bit shell-shocked when he kissed you ? It certainly brought back happy memories of the first time I met him some years ago and got a kiss from him. Sweet memories !

      • bccmee says:

        Wow, Lena. You and Jess should start an exclusive club! ♥

        • Lena says:

          lol we were just incredibly lucky, bccmee ! I hope more girls will have the opportunity to share our ‘surreal’ experience. He really is a very sweet man and definitely a real gentleman.

    • Alfie says:

      I wish…………. You lucky girl. Thank for sharing.

    • jos2507 says:

      Thank you so much for sharing your experience with Richard ! he is just so cool, simple and charming ! you must have lived a dream come true ! it is so great and the idea of your husband was so cool too !!! I liked reading it ! fantastic ! i’m happy for you ! ; )

  35. Amelia says:

    I’ve a feeling the beard is required for his return to Middle Earth at the end of next month. I thought it was a great shame that the interview was, for the most part, inaudible and I could have wished he looked more like himself at the premiere. He just didn’t look like his usual self at all,(and I have to say, I hate the cropped hair.) He was, as ever, polite and gentlemanly and his quiet, gentle self, which is always a pleasure to witness and I don’t think he’ll ever change in that regard but I sensed he felt a little awkward and embarrassed and that he wished he was anywhere else but on that carpet. The shyness is still evident, even now, despite increasing success and maturity. I certainly wish him well as Thorin but the sooner the film is completed and he’s back home and all over our screens again the better pleased I’ll be. I would have liked the American public who don’t know him to have seen him as we know him – lean and chiselled and without the blessed beard – and to have been introduced properly to a man who is probably the most unaffected and certainly one of the most charming actors we have ever had – and we’ve certainly had a few. Good luck, Richard- and come home soon.

    • bccmee says:

      Thank you for your thoughtful comments, Amelia. I have to admit a weakness for the beard and I like the short hair. Too bad the other news outlets didn’t release their Richard Armitage interviews to my knowledge. Such a waste! How could they not realize what a gem they had before their microphones and cameras? ♥

    • Kathryn Gaul says:

      Don’t you think Richard is slim but muscled from the training they’ve been doing? He’s certainly in no way “un-lean. I think, at least, some of the awkwardness came from the heat (did you spot him trying to wipe the perspiration off his forehead in one photo!) and the embarrassment from the stupid interviewer’s getting his name wrong for starters and then not asking him anything intelligent? I do agree with you, though, that we (I’m Australian so feel we almost “know” him as well as you Brits do) that it’ll be great once the end of 2013 comes around and we see more of Richard’s other work projects. I’m currently loving listening to him read “The Lords of the North” once again. As it’s now 10pm in eastern Australia, I think it’s time for Uhtred! ‘night, ladies, Kathryn

  36. Calexora says:

    Wonderful Jess! So excited for you! It was so great to hear your story of how you met and GOT A KISS FROM Mr. Thornton with beard. 😀

  37. Thank you for sharing Jess. Very very very pleased for you xx

  38. Angieklong says:


    This is such a treat to read! Every encounter with Mr. A I have heard about seems so positive. He truly is a gentleman and a real class act, isn’t he? And kudos to your husband for being such a supportive and clever (he thought of the perfect thing to say!) spouse to a fangurrl. I’ve got one of those, too. 😀

  39. Myra says:

    Jess, thanks a million times over for sharing your wonderful story and photos. Every time I look at your hand on his chest, I’m green with envy. Amelia, I don’t like short hair on men in general, and especially on RA. But I’m sure the buzz cut is due to the long wig he has to wear for Thorin. Ditto the beard. It’s a small price he has to pay for getting such a juicy role. I do wish the average American could have seen him in all his glory (2010 Bafta look comes to mind) for the first time too. But for us American fans who love him in any incarnation, it made no difference at all.

    Today I’m off to see Captain America in two hours!

  40. Carolyn says:

    Jess, thank you so much for sharing this with us! Give your hubby a hug from us for thinking of ‘Look back at me’!
    Thank you, Bcc for this blog! I think he looks marvelous! Lovely in the beard and looking very fit. I love the man and even if he were to get ‘old and fat’ as he joked in an interview, I will still love the man.

  41. I have goosebumps!!! What a wonderful meeting!! We are all jealous!!!!

  42. Jonia says:

    BTW Jess: How is to be kissed by bearded man? THUD I think that he is washing his beard in shampoo so is soft and nice. THUD

  43. Jacqui says:

    Thanks for your story Jess, it made me think of Bono at Live Aid..!

  44. Ana Cris says:

    You’re a lucky girl! Find the actor of your (our) dreams and a husband who supports your desires is a blessings!

  45. mulubinba says:

    Jess – that was a great meet and greet. I love your OH’s suggestion of calling out “Look back at me” ….lol! It worked though 🙂

  46. Ania says:

    OMG! Jess, what wonderful memories you have *thud*
    Thank you for sharing 🙂

  47. PoliCBA says:

    As Calexora said (cause it’s exactly what I would like to say):

    Wonderful Jess! So excited for you! It was so great to hear your story of how you met and GOT A KISS FROM Mr. Thornton with beard. 🙂

  48. anisha says:

    What a wonderful experience! good to know that he is as wonderful as we imagine! How I wanted to be near him

  49. Alfie says:

    Nice pictures.

  50. NovemberBride says:

    Color me astounded, Jess!! Wow! How can you top that? And that sweetheart of a husband! I am so impressed by him! ::)) I’m certain that any intelligent words would NOT have find their way coming out of my mouth had I been in your shoes, you lucky duck! You ROCK girl and so does that hubby of yours!!!!!

    • heartfelt says:

      A dream come true, eh, fussy? ;D Congratulations on remaining cool in such a hot situation, Jess!!

      • NovemberBride says:

        Well looky who dropped in!! None other than Miz HF!! Yeah, fer sure…a dream come true! I have to admit, that after I got home and was able to see Jess’s pics on my monitor today, I just laughed and grinned like a goofball looking at that pic of RA and Jess. It is absolutley delightful and they’re both obviously having a fun time!! Too sweet!

  51. Beachbaby says:

    I go away for a few days & this delicious account turns up. Wow how exciting. 🙂 Thanks for sharing Jess. “Crisp clean and all round manly” ….thud……

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