Animated GIF winner

“Here we go again….”

Thanks for all your participation and help with the caption contest from yesterday’s unfinished animated gif.

Before the winner is announced, here’s a screencap from the Hood Academy DVD extras:

Hood Academy screencap courtesy of RichardArmitageNet.Com

How many times has Richard Armitage ridden a horse for his roles?

Here is your animated gif with the caption:

The caption idea came from Elaine, who has a photography blog: Thanks very much, Elaine!

This was another tough contest. Please keep trying. If Elaine was out sick, you might’ve won, LOL! 😉

I have a number of ideas for the coming week but limited time currently so let’s see how it goes. Remember there will be a challenge in February with a Valentine’s Day fan video. 🙂 ♥

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35 Responses to Animated GIF winner

  1. Carolyn says:

    LOL, love the caption on the gif! Thank you, Elaine! Thank you, Bccmee!

  2. IntownWriter says:

    What IS the Hood Academy?

  3. Elaine says:

    Thanks ‘B’! I think this gif is hilarious even when it was was without text. There were so many great suggestions, thanks for your interpretation of my idea.

    I hope that, by the time The Hobbit appears on DVD, Peter Jackson will have decided to include a special feature of out-takes/bloopers. I’m guessing there will be lots of material to choose from with good humoured dwarfs like RA, Jamie Nesbitt and Mark Hadlow etc. as well as Hobbit Martin Freeman. Fingers crossed.

    Have a great weekend everyone!

    • bccmee says:

      @Elaine: Thanks again for your contribution! 😀 It was a tough choice but yours came out on top.

      Oh how fun that would be to see outtakes from The Hobbit!

      I wish you a great weekend too!

  4. Leigh Vondereau says:

    *chuckling* Congrats to Elaine, it’s a good one.
    I love the Hood Academy screencap. I wish they had included more and clearer footage on the DVD. As I go through a mental checklist, I believe that Robin Hood was the first time Richard rode horseback for a role, and now as Thorin in The Hobbit, he’s riding again. All good practice for the Richard III project, I hope.

    • bccmee says:

      @Leigh Vondereau: I can think of one other horseback riding role by Richard Armitage but I won’t spoil it in case someone else thinks of it. 🙂

      I do wonder if the Richard III project will ever materialize. I wish RA the best of luck with that!

      • Teuchter says:

        Took me a moment or two but I finally remembered the other role even though it was quite a few years ago!! We even got to see quite a bit of his legs too!! Won’t spoil it for others though! 🙂 He looks fantastic on a horse, does he not?? 😀

        The gif is hilarious. Thanks Elaine and Bcc! Your blog always brings a smile!

        • bccmee says:

          @Teuchter: Aha, I knew I wasn’t the only one who would remember that role. 🙂 He absolutely looks awesome aboard a horse, LOL!

          Thanks for your kind words on the animated gif!

  5. gracie says:

    LOVED IT! I went from ewwww, to cracking up.

    Bcc and Elaine, you make a good team. Thanks

  6. Ania says:

    Congrats Elaine!
    Bccmee, thanks for the funny gif. 🙂
    “Here we go again …” ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ LOL!, It seems that not only I can not get away from this song. I’m really happy and thanks to you that I could download your video…Oh, oh, I want some more… 🙂

  7. ChrisB says:

    LOL! Love it! Well done Bccmee & Elaine.

  8. Giggles! Cheers! Grati ;->

  9. Funny! Thanks Bccmee and Elaine!

  10. Holliday says:

    The caption works perfectly. I wish I’d thought of it. Oh well. And Richard does look fantastic on a horse.

  11. Debra says:

    Brilliant gif! LOL funny!!! Thanks Elaine and BccMee!
    And thanks for the screencap, B., I love Richard on a horse…he has such a regal bearing, doesn’t he?

    • bccmee says:

      @Debra: I really enjoy the teamwork in the RA community! It’s so much fun. 🙂 A “regal bearing” is a great way to put it! Thanks for your lovely comment.

  12. Joanna says:

    LOL! Ingenious gif Bccmee and very fanny caption Elaine!
    Richie looks really good , I would like to train him a little…and I’m talking about the horse 😉

  13. Joanna says:

    @Elaine: what? what are you talking about?are you implying something?It just so happens that I like these magnificent animals,that’s all.!

    ( WTF!!!….what’s going on with my nose!:(

  14. Mamma_T says:

    WAM! Richie wasn’t his first horse! I know we tend to forget Cleopatra (1999), but here he is:

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