Magical Magnetic Richard Armitage Poetry

Oh wow this was a fun project to piece together. Thanks again for your excellent contributions!

For this collaboration, I took your words and pictures and created two “Magnetic Poetry” games in Flash. Many of my friends would have these magnetic words on their refrigerators. If you are not familiar with this game, you can see it here: Magnetic Poetry Kit. It retails for $19.95 but you can play a Richard Armitage version for free! Since I couldn’t do this without you, I pass along the savings, LOL! 😀

For no particular reason, I made a screencap of Richard Armitage as Ricky Deeming:

Richard Armitage as Ricky Deeming – screencap mine

Now it’s time for your games. I gladly made two of them because of the overwhelming response. Since these are Flash games, you will be redirected to my external webhosting site. Also, they will not play on iPods, iPhones or iPads as you may already know. Please click the image or text links below to play.

Magical Magnetic Poetry Game #1

Magical Magnetic Poetry Game #2

To play the game, you can figure it out on your own or you can follow the directions below:

  1. If a box with an X pops up, please click the X to close it. This appears in some browsers as a result of my hosting service.
  2. Click and drag the words and punctuation to create poetry or to recreate your contribution.  (The pictures do not drag and drop.)
  3. Hit the “Refesh” button on the browser to reset the game and start again. Alternatively, you can press the F5 function key on your keyboard.

Hope you enjoy our new collaborative game. Again, I thank you for your help! Please post your poems so we can share in your creativity.  😀

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51 Responses to Magical Magnetic Richard Armitage Poetry

  1. april73 says:

    It’s great, thanks a lot Bccmee. 🙂

    • bccmee says:

      @april73: Thanks for contributing and commenting. Let us know if you write a poem! 😀

      • april73 says:

        You’re welcome Bccmee. 😉

        I don’t think I will write a poem. My English is ok enough to write a few words for a comment, but I feel not comfortable enough to write a poem or a fanfic in Shakespeare’s language, sorry… 😉

  2. tyme4t says:

    That’s so creative!!! Way to go!

  3. Holliday says:

    This looks like it’s going to be a lot of fun.

  4. jasrangoon says:

    This is such a fun idea. I’m having to remind myself that I actually have things to do today other than sitting around playing your game! 😉

    • bccmee says:

      @jasrangoon: Hehe, I know what busy feels like this month! I’m grateful I had enough time to complete this project. It’s interactive before and after, LOL!

  5. cdoart says:

    My results were not really poetry, but the games were real fun. Thank you, bccmee! It was fantastic to turn words around and give them a new meaning 😉

    • bccmee says:

      @cdoart: Oh please don’t be shy! I am sure you can do this. I’ll post some of my poems later. Thanks so much for your support and contributions to the game! 😀

      • cdoart says:

        Oh, my results were real fun ;o)
        Number 1:
        Dwarves are so eligible
        most eyes stay passionate
        on the pretty creatures
        racous beasts
        kind Richard
        Number 2: Goes with my suggestion – Could not resist ;o)
        And, do you feel anything?
        Something like pretty passionate love
        The person of kind, nice and calm Richard really makes that easy!

        • cdoart says:

          Sorry, my spaces did disappear. Wanted to make the connection between the listings clearer, the one for beasts and the other for RA.

        • bccmee says:

          @cdoart: Impressive poetry! Wish there was a publication for magnetic poems, LOL! Thanks so much for posting these. 😀

  6. Tanni Tani says:

    For me it was a lesson in English
    (but since I’m really bad know English, I just put the familiar meaning of the words in the photo, which I think are more suitable for these values) (can be on this flash script, you do play, dressing up, Richard?)

  7. jeanniegisborne says:

    That was a fun game, B. 🙂 I love to play with words.
    Here is my poem from the first group:
    Stay most passionate creature,
    Forever my dark love.
    Feel the moment my eyes are on you.
    Calm like truth.
    We were meant to be together. 🙂

  8. Carolyn says:

    This is great, Bcc! Lovely graphic of Ricky!

  9. Anonymous says:

    Hi, Bcc it´s seems another creative project but unfortunatelly I am not getting to open them.I have tried several times and even with two different blowsers ( firefox and google chrome) and… nothing!

    • bccmee says:

      I think the web server might be down. Suddenly I can’t access the page either! Thanks for letting me know. I’ll contact them and also see if I can find another server.

      EDIT: Oops, now it’s working. Hopefully it was a temporary glitch and you can access the pages now. 😀

  10. Ania says:

    Fantastic fun. 🙂 In truth I have no poetic talent but putting those words in a sentence is so much fun. Thank you very much Bccmee!.

  11. trbabe says:

    Just wasted 20 minutes on this lol! Not really a waste though, as I could gaze at his many characters around the edges. It was hard not to be suggestive 🙂
    Thanks, this was great fun! xxx

  12. beengizzied says:

    Having once analysed a poem featuring a cat as being about a nuclear weapon and being told by my teacher that “Actually, it’s just about a cat” I claim no affinity with poetry. But you asked for it, bccmee …

    From #1
    Eligible sexy dwarves
    A pretty filthy habit.
    Passionate beasts
    Raucous geeks
    To my eyes, so bearable.

    From #2 (where I found my quote)
    Love cannot be mean
    It is nourish, not bite (no?)
    A backpack of whispers
    A six-pack of silver
    And prunes and cream will nurture.
    There’s no disgrace within love, really.

    p.s. I’m really happy I got prune+s in there, lol.

  13. Ana Cris says:

    Hi Bcc,
    Very fun! I would not say that my game was a poem, but the background images was pure art!

    • bccmee says:

      @Ana Cris: Haha, I put some words together that would not really be considered poetry either, but they sound cool in their randomness, LOL! Thanks for your contributions. 😀

  14. Snicker's Mom says:
  15. Oodles of fun!

    Here was my poem, “Ode”:

    Rustling together.
    Passionate habit?
    Raucous love?
    I feel
    This moment
    Forever with you.

  16. love4ot says:

    I’m seen counting my silver six pack
    But come closer
    To confirm that’s the way strawberry whispers
    Really bite forever.

    Total nonsense. lol. 🙂

  17. Pingback: Legenda 40: stuff worth reading « Me + Richard Armitage

  18. I suck at writing poetry, but I still enjoyed your game, dragging words at random ^^

  19. bccmee says:

    @Everyone: I almost forgot I promised to post one of my poems. Here it is:

    Nourish me

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