February Challenge – Wet Photoshoot

Welcome to the 4th day of the February Challenge. Hope you all had a nice Sunday.

Today’s photo was suggested by Luciana. Thanks so much for your contribution, Luciana!

Here is our still image of a wet Richard Armitage, courtesy of RichardArmitageNet.Com:

Richard Armitage

The image took over and this banner made itself. This animation is available in both Flash and GIF format. For the Flash banner with sound, please click the image or text link below:


If you would like to see the animated gif without sound, here is the link:


Bonus Banner by a guest artist

In the comments for Saturday’s Lucas banner, one of my very talented facebook friends posted the following modified banner as a joke. Thank you Tanni Tani! 😀


This makes me laugh every time I see it! I wish Tanni Tani would start a blog of her own to showcase her original works. 😀

Hope you enjoyed today’s banner and the humorous bonus. See you tomorrow!

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53 Responses to February Challenge – Wet Photoshoot

  1. Luciana says:

    Great BCC!!! Loved this photo and your vid made me fantasize… more (giggles)!!!

  2. April says:

    Great Bccmee, bravo ! 🙂

    Hmmmm, Richard is hot when he’s wet… swoooon…

  3. RA the mermaid, or merman I should say! Love it!
    By the way the fly is a great touch.

  4. BCC, whatever is wet and concerns Mr. A is good and pleasant!
    Tanni, you did an exhilarating animation! Shot the fly, Lucas!

  5. He looks so young in this photo! I almost feel inappropriate fantasizing about it…ALMOST! lol Love the background music you put in!

    • bccmee says:

      @Margie: Well, he’s got 40 years to talk about now so I think he’s not too young. 😉 He was 35 when this was taken so he was of age then too!

  6. judiang says:

    Lovely GIF! Strikes me as making an awesome beginning to a favid. *hint hint*

  7. Lady Prisca says:

    Good choice Luciana , great work Bccmee. Richard…wet…do we need more comment?

  8. Dhana says:

    The banner made itself? How very clever!! 😀 Excellent job, bccmee and a great choice of image, Luciana!

    Loved Lucas and the fly…makes me giggle! Thank you, Tanni, for sharing. 🙂

  9. Joanna says:

    Love it, Bccmee!
    I’m glad that you came back hapily and safely home. I have some arrears on your blog and I will be happy to make up for it soon ,that is if my computer will not refuse to cooperate with me again.

  10. servetus says:

    MMM, wet Armitage.

  11. Teuchter says:

    **GASP** Could he look more stunning?????????? Thanks Bcc! And thanks also to Tanni! That’s cute! 🙂

    • bccmee says:

      @Teuchter: The man is remarkable! ♥

      • I second Teuchter’s pRAise of RA. Wet RA is heartstoppingly gorgeous! You and Judiang and others who post these life size hi-res portrait shots of RA are providing a vital community service. Ha! And as I have said elsewhere ladies, be sure to remove your lipstick before you kiss your LCD computer screens. Lipstick is so hard to remove. Ha!

        And I loved your and Tanni’s animations. Bccmee, you’re a one woman media art conglomeRAte.

        Cheers! Grati ;->

  12. Meryl says:

    talk about dangerous when wet!!!!
    he doesn’t even have to try does he?
    thanx B

  13. Jacqui says:

    The Lucas one looks really amazing!

  14. Meryl says:

    erm~ methinks Lucas looks good in~ or out of most anything! shameless I know but I’m not bothered!
    remember the boiler suit episode? case rested!

  15. Ania says:

    Bccmee, I love it! 🙂 I regret that your flash animation can not be wallpaper. Wet RA *sigh* nice choice Luciana. I really admire his ability to the change of his appearance ( like chameleon in a positive sense 😉 ) and he is more fascinating every time.
    BTW, Oh what a pushy fly! LOL!

    • bccmee says:

      @Ania: Yes, it would be possible but difficult to make animated wallpapers and it would require a 3rd party plug-in to use them. 🙂 Thanks for your kind words on the banner. Yes, Tanni’s fly is quite a pest, LOL!

  16. Carolyn says:

    Love the banner, Bcc Mee! That’s one of my favorite pictures..LOL I have a lot of favorites.

  17. mersguy says:

    Brilliant banner Bccmee, great choice too Luciana! I know RA is not fond of water, but he does look so good all wet!!! …………..thud

  18. I loved the gifs, girls.you are very talented .Thanks Luciana for the photo.Richard wet is a delight for my eyes , but Iwould prefer see him entirely wet from the head to feet.Have you any idea to do a gif like that, Bcc?

    • bccmee says:

      @Tereza: Haha, I suppose it’s possible to create such an image, but I don’t do manipulations, LOL! We’ll have to wait for a real Richard Armitage wet from-head-to-toe scene. 😉

      Thanks for your kind comment!

  19. phylly3 says:

    Thanks for putting your genius to such good use! We are truly in your debt. (not even joking!)

  20. Laura says:

    I love the work you do. The pic is obviously gorgeous, but I was drawn to the exploding letters. That is just plain cool.

    And I like the modified Lucas/Gun… and I don’t know if you consider it a compliment, but my cat went after the fly. Gave me several minutes of hilarious distraction!

    • bccmee says:

      @Laura: Delighted to hear your cat story, ROTFL! That makes a great visual. Perhaps someone should start making graphics specifically for felines. 😉

  21. Awesome! Thanks bccmee!

  22. Thais says:

    I love this photo! I’m fond of B&W pictures and RA’s particularly handsome in this one. Yes! The blue colour suits him well indeed! Thanks Bccmee and Luciana! 🙂

  23. Kate Patrick says:

    Somehow this little jewel got past me…it is fabulous. I think “Wet Strike Back Armitage” would make for a steamy picture. Thanks for sharing your creativity.

    • bccmee says:

      @Kate Patrick: Wet John Porter is one of my all-time fave pix in the universe! 🙂 Perhaps for the next challenge, you can submit that, LOL! Thanks so much for your comment. 🙂

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